Friday, October 4, 2019

Exercise assignments Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Exercise assignments - Coursework Example It asserts that if possible then an action should be morally sufficient if it maximizes one’s self interests. Ethical egoism might also apply to things other than acts, such as rules or character traits. Psychological egoism has to components, strong and weak component. The strong part of egoism alludes that human beings ever act in their own self-interest. That is to say that they are forced to do so by their own psychology. On other side the weak form part of it argues that human beings always and occasionally act in their own self-interest. None of the two forms of Psychological egoism can stand its own to define what egoism is. For example if the strong form would be accepted, then it means that people should not be told on the right thing to do since they are controlled by their instinct. On the other hand if the weak form of it is to be used, that would mean that people should continue behaving the way they are behaving which cannot be proved. Psychological egoism fails to refute morality or to provide a foundation for ethical egoism because everyone always does what they do and it cannot be justifiable by information about their human conduct. Psychological egoism in its stro ng form alone would destroy all morality and is lacking both in evidence and in logic. â€Å"Individual ethical egoism†, states that people should always act for my â€Å"own† best self-interest while â€Å"Personal ethical egoism†, states that I should behave in â€Å"my own† self-interest, but be mindless about what everyone does. The problem with these forms is that it acts towards one individual and cannot be applied for all humanity in general. Universal ethical egoism is the most commonly held form of ethical egoism because it considers all humanity. It does not only talk about what an individual should consider doing but also is concerned with what all human beings should do for morality principles. However the

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